Maple class

Welcome to Maple Class. 

A warm welcome to Maple Class. We are a mixed aged class of year 2, year 3 and year 4 children. Our classroom is located next to the playground gate entrance. We follow the school rules: ready, respectful and safe.

The class is taught by Mr Bennett and our teaching assistants Mrs Glyn-Jones and Mrs Fulbrook-Smith.


DavidMr Bennett Kate GJ    Maria fb

Teacher: Mr Bennett

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Glyn-Jones and Mrs Fulbrook-Smith

Please speak to any of us if there is anything we can do to help your child with their learning.


General information

Our PE days this term are Mondays and Thursdays.


Home Learning

Each week the children will be asked to learn some spellings and times tables at home. In Maple class, we have a big focus on learning our times tables, ready for the year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). Therefore, each week the children will be asked to play some games in ttrockstars at home in order to practise their times tables. You can log into ttrockstars here

Maple class love to read! Please hear your child read 3 times at home to help them develop their fluency, accuracy and comprehension skills.

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Curriculum topics

Term 6

It has been a brilliant end to the school year. Maple class have been working hard and enjoying their learning. In our English, we enjoyed writing our own newspaper articles. In maths we have learnt to read coordinates and have learnt the names of different angles.

We have been learning about states of matter in our science and enjoyed investigating solids changing to liquids and liquids changing to solids. 

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In our geography, we have been learning about the water cycle and have set up our own mini ‘water cycle’ in class.

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We have also enjoyed practising and performing our end of year production. As we look back over the past year, we have many favourite memories. Our trip to Stonehenge was really fun and we enjoyed the workshop where we created our own model of Stonehenge. The year 4s also enjoyed their residential to Charterhouse and particularly enjoyed meeting new friends and trying lots of outdoor activities like archery and rock climbing.


Term 5

We love to be fun and creative in Maple class. For more information about our class curriculum, please see our long term plan below.

Term 5 has been packed with lots of brilliant learning in Maple class. We have been learning about electricity in science, and have tested a range of materials to find out which are good electrical conductors and which are good electrical insulators.

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In history we have been learning about why people settled in Westwood. We have used maps and books to find out about the past and have looked at photos of buildings from the past and compared them with modern day buildings to see how the village has changed.


In English we have been reading about Nikola Tesla and have been learning to use a range of conjunctions like ‘because’, ‘although’ and ‘however’ to improve our writing. I maths we have been learning to read analogue clocks and work out time durations.


The year 4s enjoyed their charterhouse residential. It was amazing to see everyone being enthusiastic and brave by having a go at new things.




Term 4

This term we have been learning about light in our science lessons. We enjoyed putting up the dark tent and testing whether objects were transparent, translucent, or opaque.

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In our English we have written descriptive settings. Some of us wrote our descriptions based on our book, ‘The Last bear’ by Hannah Gold, and others of us decided to change the setting from the arctic to somewhere else. On world book day we enjoyed creating our own potato characters and wrote stories based either on our potato character or on the character we came dressed as! We created a potato town for our characters!

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In DT we enjoyed sewing our own hand puppets!

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Term 3

This term we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We loved our visit to Stonehenge and have created our own visitor guides to the site.




In Art we have created our own Stone Age paintings, trying to put across a Stone Age message. We enjoyed painting with sticks, leaves and feathers!


In DT we enjoyed stewing some different fruits to create our own fruit mixes. We enjoyed tasting these and using them to paint with!



Term 2

Term 2 has been lots of fun! We have enjoyed our topic on dragons, which has led to us doing lots of creative things in art and DT. In our DT we designed our own dragon traps. They had to appeal to dragons in order to lure them in.

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In our English we focused on using expanded noun phrases to create some amazing dragon descriptions.

In art we learnt to create the secondary colours using the primary colours and then we drew our own colourful dragon eyes. We then transformed our amazing dragon eyes into 3D using clay.

Term 1

This term we have been learning about the Ancient Greeks. We have enjoyed learning about the Gods and what they believed in. We created our own social media page for our favourites, explaining what they liked and what they spent their time doing.

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In our science lessons we have been learning about Skeletons and have learnt lots of names of the bones in our bodies. Did you know there are 27 bones in the hand? We enjoyed making our own working models of our hands. In art we have enjoyed learning about Pablo Picasso and have created our own cubism portraits.

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Page Downloads Date  
Curriculum 2023 4 Year 2 3 4 v3 website 25 Aug 2023 Download
Charterhouse Parent Meeting 2024 31 Jan 2024 Download
Term 4 Commas 07 Feb 2024 Download
Term 4 Exclamation Marks 07 Feb 2024 Download
Term 4 Full Stops 07 Feb 2024 Download
Term 4 Question Marks 07 Feb 2024 Download
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